John Reagan, P.E.
John@SchaeferEng.comCell: 314-623-3722
Office: 636-332-6464
Fax: 636-332-6445
Download VCardRepresentative Service Areas
- Product and System Evaluation
- Component and System Failure Analysis
- Fire and Explosion Causation
Professional Registrations & Certifications
- Licensed Professional Engineer
- Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator (NAFI-CFEI)
- Certified Fire Investigator (IAAI-CFI)
- Asbestos Operations & Maintenance (OSHA)
Bachelor of Science - 1996
Electrical Engineering
Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville, IL
Magna Cum Laude
John graduated with an Electrical Engineering Degree from Southern Illinois University and is a licensed professional engineer in several states. He earned his degree while working full time in the engineering field and while raising a family. John entered the engineering profession in 1981 through his employment at a top-ranked Engineering/Architectural Design and Construction firm. Since 1999, John has provided engineering consulting services in the areas of electrical system and equipment failure analysis, electrical injury and electrocution investigations, and has been involved in the determination of fire causation on many commercial, residential, equipment, and vehicular fire losses.
John is a Certified Fire Investigator (IAAI-CFI) and a Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator (NAFI-CFEI). He is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI), the National Association of Fire Investigators (NAFI), and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). John has been an instructor at IAAI Chapter and National Conventions on the subjects of electrical appliance and electrical system evaluations related to the fire scene, and also on the subject of the role of an engineer in fire investigations. John has presented at DRI Fire Science and Product Liability conferences on various investigation topics.
Representative Areas of Expertise
- Electrical Arc Blast, Shock and Electrocution Incidents
- Electrical Equipment and Appliance Investigations
- Electrical Component and System Failure Analysis
- Electrical Construction Means and Methods
- Alarm System Evaluations
- Lightning and Water Damage Evaluations
Professional Affiliations
- International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI)
- National Association of Fire Investigators (NAFI)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
- Technical Committee on Electrical Arcing (NFPA 921-2014 Edition)
- Task Group on Marine Fire Investigation (NFPA 921, Chapter 30-2020 Edition)