Services & Expertise
Schaefer Engineering's team approach within our firm and with our clients collectively gives us an advantage and allows us, as a whole, to work efficiently and successfully. Our highly experienced team works through complex situations and catastrophic losses to investigate, analyze, and test theories to arrive at proven opinions and conclusions. Our team has the skill to communicate and breakdown complex analysis and strict methodologies into understandable terms and explanations.

Fire & Explosion Causation
Schaefer Engineering’s experts are extensively trained in the science of fire investigation and causation determination. Some areas of expertise include:
- Electrical & Mechanical Products/Equipment
- Residential & Industrial Explosions
- Commercial Kitchen Fires
- On and Off-Road Vehicle Fires

Product & System Evaluation
Our engineers have the technical knowledge and manufacturing experience to evaluate most types of mechanical and electrical products, processes, and systems. Some of our capabilities include:
- Manufacturing Equipment and Processes
- Commercial & Residential Building Components
- Electrical and Gas Systems and Appliances

Vehicular Accident Investigation
& Reconstruction
We specialize in both commercial and passenger vehicle accidents involving heavy trucks, buses, passenger cars, trains, motorcycles, and pedestrians. Some of our services include:
- 24/7 Rapid Response
- Vehicle Crash Dynamics / Speed Analysis
- Failure Analysis (Brakes, Steering, Etc.)
- 3D Laser Scanning of Roadway, Evidence, and Vehicles

Materials & Metallurgical
Our engineers have extensive experience in evaluating ferrous, non-ferrous, and non-metallic materials. Some of our capabilities include:
- Failure Analysis
- Corrosion Investigation
- Materials Testing and Characterization

Forensic Engineering
Testing Services
We have the facility and equipment to design, construct, and test exemplar equipment and systems to acquire valuable data to prove hypothesis and opinions. Some of our testing includes:
- Full-Scale Model Design and Testing
- Temperature, Voltage, and Carbon Monoxide Measurement & Data Acquisition Systems
- UL 103 & 127 Specified Flue Gas Generator and Test Cell